
Showing 181–200 of 200 results

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Transverse Section (Ts) Of Kidney

Adrenal gland T.s. cortex and medulla. Permanent slides with cover slip.

Tripod Stands

Lower end of legs covered with plastic cap to avoid scratching the work surface.

Ts Leaf Of Dicotyledonous Mesophyte

Such as ligustrum or prunus or local equivalent), maize. Material: Glass

Ts Trachea

Permanent slides with cover slip. Material: Glass

Two Color Sides Counters

10 sets of 200 Plastic pieces /counters each whose one side is blue and other side is red.

Vernier Calipers

A Vernier Caliper is a visual aid to take an accurate measurement reading between two graduation markings on a linear scale by using mechanical interpolation

Visking Dialysis Tubing

Visking tubing is a semipermeable membrane that allows small molecules like water to pass through but does not allow larger molecules like sugar.

Wash Bottles

Sealable screw-top – prevents solvents from evaporating Squeeze-and-spray bottle

Water Filter Cloth

Micron: 0.5 Micron PP liquid filter cloth for water treatment


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